Instructions will follow:
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
A-Absolutely Don't Care. I just don't care about things most people do. This sounds bad. I don't want to care about things most people do. Lindsey Lohan can go jump off a bridge for all I care. That is not news worthy. And it just pisses me off. Same goes for all those other bimbo, spoiled, stupid, alcoholic, idiots. I do care about some things. For instance, the evils of vinyl. Buffalo Exchange claims to be a green company and hypocrisy of saying that and installing a vinyl (otherwise known as poisonous gas emitting product in production). If you know anything about poisonous gases or if you happen to be alive you know two things about poisons. 1: They are good for the environment. Dioxin. 2: They aren't good for you or in this case the workers at vinyl plants or even people who live around vinyl plants. CANCER. If you are interested you should watch a documentary called
Blue Vinyl.
L-Listen carefully. I'm not a big talker. I don't really like to talk. Especially to strangers. If after a little social lube I find myself quite the chatty girl, but that happens very rarely. This goes double for the telephone.
I- I am weird. I like it. I have paint in my hair. It won't come out. I would like to have lived in the sixties. I would wear weird things. I would say weird things. I would have no pretenses or shoes.
S- So what. This translates into "Oh, Well". This is my personal motto, but it doesn't start with an S. In these two words is everything I should feel. Ever. Nothing matters if the world keeps turning, I keep on breathing, I still have my legs (legs are important to me), my health, etc. It doesn't matter if something broke when I was moving (nothing did I was just using an example of something somebody might care about) or if I make a B in my class or the seem on my curtains isn't perfectly straight. Oh, well. I try, and it does take some effort, to let it flow past me like a river. For that is the Taoist way.
For those of you wondering my middle name is Alis. The I is pronounced like would would say Alisha. Only at the end there is a sss like a snake, not a sh like "Be Quite". It isn't pronounced like Alice.