Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First day of school

I had the worst classroom experience ever. Before my Oceanography class I have an hour break so I was there early and these three girls sitting right next to me were going on and on about their sororities. The intellectual stimulation of their conversation was the culinary equivalent of eating cardboard. One girl repeatedly asked, "Is this class about waves?" Not even her sorority sisters would touch that one. So she kept on and on until finally the other girl says, "It's about a lot of things." The the wave girl text messages the whole class. TWO HOURS. Then the first thing she says when the lights are up and class is done? "I'm dropping this class. I'm a journalism major. I will never need to know any of this in my whole life."

What if you were writing an article about the ocean? Pollution? Warming? All things that are in the news.

One of the girls said, "I hope this class isn't hard because I HATE science!" about 3 or 4 times.

It was like someone only gave them 4 sentences to use all day long. Boy did they ever use them.

1 comment:

Mark Brown said...

Augh. Me Mateys (Talk like a pirate day is next month, dont miss it!)
Tis a scurvy shame that these co-ed's
havent an intelligent bone in their body. Especially since it's made up (over 98%) of the SAME substance that they should be discussing in their OCEANoGRAPHY class!

AUGH. Me mateys. One word says it ALL!
