Friday, October 14, 2011

This week in exercise:

Monday: 2 mile run. 20 min of strength training (arms)
Tuesday: 1 1/2 hours of rowing.  20 min of strength training (legs), 30 min bike ride (about 5 miles).
Wednesday: 1 hour of rowing. 20 min of strength training (arms), 1 mile run.
Thursday: 20 min strength training (legs) 30 min. bike ride.
Friday: 1 hour bootcamp, 1 hour rowing.

Accomplishing Goals:

I can already do 25 pushups.  It isn't easy, but possible.  Which before, doing 3 pushups (standard position, not knees on the floor) wasn't possible.  Feel pretty fucking good about that one.  It hasn't been two months yet.  My arms look amazing.  I can't wait until they look better.  My favorite thing are my triceps.  They are so bangin'.  I love that they have definition.

Yesterday, when my muscles were really warm from working out, I was stretching and my nose comes within four fingers of my knees. When I stand up and lean over to touch my toes I can put my palms flat on the ground.

I started running, because it is really hard for me.  I hate it so much.  It is so boring and painful.  But doing the thing that is hard for you is to train better.  I don't want to do it, but I want to be in better physical condition.

In another 2 months I want to be able to do 20 pull ups.  Right now, I can do 1 rep of 3 and 2 reps of 2 for a total of 7.  It's a long way from 20, but I think I'm up for the challenge. I think it will be pretty impressive to see.  It is also incredibly hard.

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