Thursday, July 01, 2010


I was really happy June was over. I had a lot of hope for July. Then today happened. I had a huge fucking break down.

I called the friend of a friend who is a realtor and was supposed to show me duplexes today. It just happened out of the blue that her dog died and when I called she just got home from the vet. It tore my life apart. My world came skidding to a halt. I got off the phone with her and bawled. My face was in my pillow, drool and snot all over my pillow. I had to come up for air. Sobbing.

I then proceeded to cry for the next two hours. A good thirty minutes of those two hours I was at the bank. People just talked to me like I wasn't crying and nothing was wrong. The bank guy came bopping up to me, asking me how I was doing. This was after I completely ignored him while I was in line to have a check deposited. I had other issues so I had to wait, but for god sakes buddy. I'm not happy. Leave me alone.

Long story short- big dreams of a better month= smashed.

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