Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm trying

I swear. I'm trying to not be so down. I have so many things to be thankful for. I just can't shake this hideous feeling. I'm thankful for my friends. I don't know what I would do without them. I'm thankful for Sam Cooke. His voice touches me in very appropriate places. I'm really thankful for all the things I have, for everything I ever had, for all the things I have seen and done. I'm thankful I'm clever. Lately, I have been closing my eyes and thinking of times I have made people laugh. It reminds me that I'm pretty cool and this pain won't last forever. But god damn it hurts.


jes said...

You are one of my top 5 favorite people of all time! I'm old and I've met a lot of people. You make me laugh all the time, and I am grateful for that and for you, friend. I hope you feel better soon, too.

sans_sanity said...

Fuck YEAH you're cool. Don't you forget that!