Thursday, June 03, 2010

Today's Customer of the Day:

A young hispanic male walks in covering his hand with his shirt. It is pretty slow so three of us are standing at the counter right next to one another. I'm flanked by two men. As soon as he walks in we get quiet. It's a little suspicious. The pawn shop ain't Chucky Cheese and I was pretty sure he didn't have a birthday surprise under there. When he gets closer to the counter I see that his face is swollen with two black eyes that are so fresh the bruises haven't developed good. This fool has blood splatter all over his sweatpants. His hand was wrapped in his shirt because it was bleeding from the fight he just got into. First thing he says is, "Do y'all take bikes?" My co-worker tells him no, and he turns and leaves. As if the 5 dollars we were going to give him for his bike is the most important thing in his life right now. Fool. You are bleeding. He walks out the door and my coworker says, "As if we are gonna take that bike with AIDS all over it."


Anonymous said...

Why has their not been a pawn shop TV show? it seems like there are beyond enough stories to run through.

Lauren said...

There is. It is a reality show called Pawn Stars.