Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The missing

I think I need to poor a little out for my homie this weekend. Maybe even say a few words. I'm having massive issues with the loss of my camera. Flickr isn't helping any. It is a daily routine for me and every day it just laughs in my face. Sometimes I think, Oh, that is really pretty. I want to take a picture ... Then the crushing defeat settles in and takes a tumultuous nap in my heart. I swear I miss that camera like a person. Or a limb. I mean, I have never lost a limb, but I can sympathize with phantom pain a little better. It has been about 4 solid years of taking pictures all the time. 4 solid years of having a camera. This is the worst break up I've ever had. I didn't touch my camera every day so the pain sneaks up on me and bitch slaps me when I'm least expecting it, worse yet, when I am having a really nice thought. Now, every time I'm inspired by something I feel bad. That can't be a good thing.

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