Friday, December 07, 2007

The Weekly Update

  • Classes are over! Schooooooooool's out for win-ter. If you can call this hot, humid weather we are having winter. I swear it is 85 degrees with 100% humidity.
  • I'm totally inspired and awed by my English teacher. Just dumb-founded. I had beers with her and some of my classmates, and I have to say, blown away. One of the greatest teachers I've ever had. Period.
  • Really heavily looked into Library School tonight. Deadline to apply for next, next Spring is September 1st. Guess I need to start thinking about my statement of purpose.
  • Books to read on "winter" break:
    • After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie Jean Rhys
    • Maggie: A girl of the streets Stephen Crane
    • The Sun Also Rises Hemingway
    • A Farewell to Arms Hemingway
    • Tough Guys Don't Dance Norman Mailer
  • I finally played Nervous Brickdown for the Nintendo DS. Let me tell you, a whole lot of fun going on there. A whole lot.

Off to watch The Hours.


Unquestionably Yours,

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