Thursday, September 06, 2007

This one's for Drew

Kyle's has this "great" idea for a t.v. show.

Ready? I honestly don't think anyone could be prepared for what I'm about to tell you. But I'll tell you anyways.

Sex and the City we all know it. Well, what if the crypt keeper from Tales from the Crypt was to play the main character Carrie Bradshaw. Everything else about the show would be the exact same. The same actresses. The same dialog. Even the new Carrie would have the same dialog.

After explaining the concept to some new unsuspecting listener he then does his best impression of the crypt keeper doing Carrie Bradshaw. Which I have to say is quite funny 'cause he starts out with, "Sometimes ..." He may do a few more words, but the "sometimes" usually makes the other person laugh so hard you can't hear it anyways.

Drew's Blog

1 comment:

Drew said...


Oh, that's too true. I think I've found a clip that might work if he wants to sell it to a network.

Check it out

He's a dead ringer for Carrie