Sunday, March 11, 2007

Our little town is making quite a name for itself

You can get festival dailies from SXSW on just like Sundance. Isn't that exciting? My problem is that it doesn't say anywhere that it is in Austin. We are going to have to rename the town SXSW. See, the Sundance Film Festival is in Sundance, Utah. So everyone knows where that one is. In the clip they do a close up of something that says Austin, but I demand something like, "blah, blah, blah, from SXSW in AUSTIN, TX" I mean we have to pay all spring break with traffic and horrendous drivers. I demand credit! Austin drivers are bad, okay I admit it, but give someone a car who doesn't know Austin and our POOR city planning. Holy Shit! You might as well give a five year old a gun. Just as safe.

You are never prepared. All of a sudden you are driving down the highway thinking, "Jeez! What is with all the traffic? There sure are a lot of out of state plates."........

"Wait, what is today?" there is a long pause.... but no one is in the car to answer....

"Oh, right. South by southwest AND spring break. Right. That sucks."


The Q said...

check it out:

just 'cuz.

madge said...

If it makes you feel any better, I know SXSW is in Austin!

Mark Brown said...

JeeZ.. Now I understand.

I listen to NPR, and EVERYONE has been saying South by Southwest, but NOone mentioned WHEN it was, or Where it was..

Now I know SXSW=....
and in austin...
No probl

Just remember, we had the republican convention in 2004, and they locked down the 20 blocks around madison sq garden,(and forced my sister to wear a special ID badge for 2 weeks to prove she lived in the area...)
what a pain... I hope they NEVER have another convention there again!)
But at least now I know you live inside the ONE progressive town in taxes.. (texas sideways...)

markb in nj