Saturday, September 23, 2006

Just put me out of my misery already

I woke up at 8 AM today. Why? You ask. Good fucking question. I guess the answer is so I could come to this suck ass job and write on my fucking blog. So far on the way here I laughed myself silly listening to Tool (more to come). And have cried quietly in my little, tiny cube over Katie the dog reading really see where your day is going when you have cried before 10am. No where but up! I couldn't care less about someone talking about when people die, but it just breaks my very fragile heart when pets die. I also can't watch any show on TV about emergency vets, animal cops, or anything similar cause it takes about 2.3 seconds and I am bawling.

On the way to work I was listening to Tool, Enima as loud as it will turn up in my car. There was quite a bit of shaking and it sort of made my ears feel like they needed to pop, but that could have been because I had the sun roof open. But I stayed awake. As I was listening to Eulogy, I thought about Kyle saying that he wants to make everyone at his funeral sit through the whole cd. I thought it would be a fun idea to have your dying wish for Tool to play at your funeral. Then it dawned on my the best fucking idea ever, My Super Sweet 68 or My Super Sweet 75 or when ever you die , extravagant funerals with bands and MTV can play it thousands of times day. I was laughing so hard I had a little swervy-poo. Apparently there is a direct correlation between how much sleep and I get and how demented my humor is. I also thought it would be funny to have someone perform a spoken word version of eulogy.
"Would you die for me?
Don't you fucking lie.
Don't you step out of line. Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line. Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line. Don't you fucking lie."
For some reason this cracks me up.

1 comment:

The Q said...

I cried like a baby as I read it. A very very sad baby.