Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I break the rules...so what!

I am breaking the no complaining rule, but it is a shame to waste my talent. I am really, really good at it.

I hate driving. Who doesn't? It is certainly unfortunate for me because I drive 45 minutes one way to work. At least once a day someone pisses me off. Today it was a middles aged man in some big, stupid, unnecessary truck. That is enough to piss me off all by itself, but never the less. He starts riding my ass when I am driving 10 miles over the speed limit, and he can pass me on the right. In Texas you can pass on the left or the right, there was no need for me to get over cause he wanted to 85 in a 65 you want to go that fast you can go around. Plus there was an eighteen wheeler in the next lane just in front of me with this giant piece of plastic blowing behind him and I didn't want to get behind him. So instead of just passing me and being done with it, he decided to flash his lights at my a number of times and then pass me. Then he decides to put on his breaks to really piss me off. I just had it. I started flipping him off while I was behind him, but that just wasn't cutting it. I drove up beside him and we were having a fuck you off, while I yelled at him to go fuck himself. Not that he heard me or anything that was purely for my enjoyment.

In cases such as this it makes me wish I had an unloaded gun in my car. I would have given anything to see that assholes face if I would have pulled a gun out. He would have thought twice about doing that again. Hahaha! I wish he would of followed me, just so I could have taken some of this aggression out on him. I am sooooo angry. The sad part is that I'm not even at my angriest. I am not on my period. That is when the anger comes out full force, when I think I might rip someone's throat out with my bare hands for no reason at all really.

Not only do I have a talent for complaining, I have a talent for rage. I think I would need a horse tranquilizer to live in this country and be happy.

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