Thursday, September 15, 2011

Monday- Conditioning Kickboxing Class- One Hour (Ruthless asskicking)
Tuesday- Regular Kickboxing Class- One Hour
Wednesday-30 min bike ride in the morning, Conditioning Kickboxing Class plus Intermediate Kickboxing class back to back- 2 1/2 Hours (Extra Ruthless asskicking)
Thursday- Regular Kickboxing Class- One Hour - Brutal cause I was so tired from the day before

Friday???? Should I attend bootcamp?  I don't think I can.  I need a rest.  I think I will take the day off.

Saturday and Sunday I will ride my bike and Monday I will be back at bootcamp.

July 17th I weighed 125 pounds, now I weigh 114.  That is 11 pounds, my friends.  That is about 10% of me.  Eleven pounds of dead weight.

This massage therapist told me I should do something slow and relaxing to counter act all the active kickboxing I have been doing, yin yang shit.  So I have taken to meditating in any line I stand in.  It is really amazing.  All I do it really focus on my body, my posture, keeping my spine alined. I just shut out the world and think about being aligned.  In stead of wasting my life in lines I am looking at it as a way to better myself.

Do you hear the shit that is coming out of my mouth?  Whoa.

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