Sunday, August 01, 2010


Where were you all my life?

Let's have some bullets. Shall we?

  • 13 days. Not this Friday, but next. I like to close my eyes and think Not this Friday, but next. I tried clicking my heels, but nothing happened.
  • I'm pretty sure someone stole my ipod. I can't find it. It had to have been at work. If you see a giant ipod that makes you think to yourself did this come from an archeologist dig. It's mine, please return.
  • I'm like a genetically modified chicken- all thigh. I would draw you a diagram, but I don't have any way of getting it to you.
  • I can't make a fucking decision to save my life. It probably would save what little life I have left.
  • I cried at least 13 times today. If I continue being by myself I might make it to 16. I'm leaving this room soon.
  • I have written some things in a very very unorganized way that just need to be sorted out. I can't make myself do it. I like the catharsis. The work freezes me.
  • I tend to listen to a song over and over and over. So Far Away. Then I switch to Way Over Yonder. I've exhausted Joni Mitchell. I'm on to Carol King.
  • I NEED a work space. Like I need oxygen. I'm pretty sure this is only adding to my depression. My bed isn't cutting it. I can't sleep here, write here, do crafts on it. I just can't do it anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Breach of your contract includes " Sudden loss of ass and gorgeous legs.."

-I always find listening to retardedly happy music helps.