Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh! Just in case you had any doubts

Never, Ever, EVER leave anything on the counter at a pawn shop. This means cell phones and wallets.... Basically anything you own that you want to continue to own. It's a pretty simple idea. For god's sake what are you thinking? Otherwise the police have to get involved and it's a big mess. Like once a day someone is missing something and we have to go watch the video. Granted, it always happens that nobody stole anything, and, in fact they never brought whatever it was in, but today was the day. Someone performed a magic trick and made a wallet disappear.

Here is one more tip. Never, Ever, EVER steal anything from a pawn shop where you are a regular. We have video, we enter your i.d. into our computers every time you come in (sometimes more than once a week), some of us even know your name, now the cops know your address. For god's sake what are you thinking?

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