My feet hurt. I wish a boy was around to massage them. Damn they hurt.
I have a black spot on my hand and it won't come off. Not sure what it is either. That can't be good. I'm totally compulsive about my hands feeling dirty. Which is bad news in a pawn shop. My hands are instantly dirty once I wash them. Between people's dirty collateral and money, ugh, just thinking about it makes me want to gag. I'm an obsessive washer. I wash my hands before I come home from work. If I have somehow forgotten I wash them as soon as I get in the door.
Today a woman asked to see the channel. She literally said, "I want to see these channel". (As far as I know she was white, if she was hispanic she had no accent of any kind.) I didn't know what she was talking about until she pointed at the case with the sunglasses in it. She meant Chanel. Then said, "Are these real Channel?" Like what you change on your television. What could I have done? I said, "I don't know."
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