Wednesday, December 09, 2009

My proposal:

I would like to change the popular nomenclature for homosexual. It is clear to me that the word "gay" isn't going anywhere for things that are lame or stupid or just generally bad. In fact I like using it. It is just a short little spatter of a word that amuses me. It just feels good to say. So. The word "gay" meaning homosexual is out of my lexicon.

While I'm at it I want to eradicate the words vagina, pussy, cunt, and all female anatomy words that mean someone is afraid, hurt easily, mean, a bitch, generally bad connotations. Vaginas aren't any of those things. The word "cunt" is pretty satisfying to say when someone is an asshole, so maybe that one can stick around. I mean really, what is bad about a vagina? Why do we use it to describe bad things? So I have started using "dick" for anything. When I'm having a shit day I simply say, "Dicks". Not that dicks are so terrible, I just feel like they deserve it more. They are historically less oppressed, currently less oppressed.


The Q said...

I love this!

sans_sanity said...

I am offended by this and am hereby starting a civil rights movement. My first order of business is burning my underwear!