Monday, March 02, 2009

Have a shit sandwich

I'm having the kind of day where right when you wake up you know it won't get any better and you wish you could just go back to sleep and wake up to a new day, but you can't.  

This is how I feel:
Having a shit day

I woke up to Sluggs having his third seizure. There is something so disturbing about looking your pet in the eye and being able to tell they don't have a clue what is going on. After seeing that first thing in the morning it sours your whole day.

I also had to go to a school event for a class assignment and happened to choose today. Things work out that way for me. I had to be to school an hour earlier than normal and I was all thrown off. I was almost late. Which is a huge deal for me. I forgot my ring at home. I discovered that I wasn't wearing it in the car. Any time that happens I damn near have a heart attack because I think I have lost it.

Granted I don't have to leave the house anymore for the day, but the day is hardly over. I have two more disgusting pages of a paper to write. I will hate every minute of it.

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