Thursday, October 30, 2008

I get nervous when she comes around

The week is over. (giant sigh of relief) Only 5 more weeks until the end of the semester. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I went and bought my cap and gown this week along with my invitations. I feel like I should have a party for myself, but that seems like to much effort and cleaning. Maybe I'll muster up some motivation. Maybe not. So my excitement about graduate school has been slowly waning. Here is my analogy. Library school is a woman. I was trying to find out which parties to go to so I could go and then pretend like it was an accident we saw each other. I was really working hard to get into library school's panties. She was playing hard to get. Years this went on. Finally I get her in the sack. Now I'm having visions of all the money and the time and the effort and commitment and I'm wanting to bail. I know in reality I won't. But the whole thing is making me tired just thinking about another 2 years of school. I know I can do it. I know I used to want to. (kidding) I know I can. I know I can. I know I can. I just have to mentally prepare.

1 comment:

madge said...

It should be a lot more fun than undergrad.