Friday, June 27, 2008

The Treaty Oak

How do you think the Treaty Oak is doing? I haven't seen it in so long. I hope it is well.

What kind of dick face poisons a tree?

The neighbor is back. And so are the cops. Cops were banging on our door at 4AM Thursday morning. You never know just how unprepared you are for a great deal of shock until it happens. Today when I got home I pulled in the drive way. I got out of the car and I hear a car behind me. I look to see who it is. We don't have very many cars on out street and when I turn around I see another car. They are both sheriffs cars and here comes another, and another, and another until there are 6 cop cars on our street. Three parked a couple houses down one way and three the other way. I'm standing in my driveway staring, thinking, "Shit!" (You just never get used to the there coming for me feeling. When the cop in the neighbors driveway tells me, "Go inside, mam." I obeyed. But I did look out the window. When the cops were pounding on his door I could feel it in my house. Then they come knocking on my door. Do you know where your neighbor is? Do you know what they drive? Do you know where he hangs out? Yeah, he hangs out by my door bell. As much as he is over here knocking on my door I don't know how he has time for anything else. Well, if you see him give us a call. But don't tell him you called us. He has a couple of felony warrants.

The cops are never going to catch this asshole. I swear. You would think he is the most elusive person on the face of the Earth. What could be so hard about apprehending one guy. He doesn't even have a car. His girlfriend is a stripper. And his sister lives three houses down.

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