Kyle is officially a reverse idiot savant. I don't know if that is the preferred nomenclature. If I have offended you I don't care. I'm in the midst of a joke, okay. Get over it.
Reverse Idiot Savant (RIS if your into acronyms) is an affliction, some may call it a disability, where you are exceptionally bad at one thing. See because a regular idiot savant is being exceptionally good at one thing, but with low functioning in most other areas. See how that works. That reverse thing.
Let me give you an example. Kyle is a highly functioning individual. Except in the kitchen. Good god almighty. He is the worst cook on the face of the Earth. He can fuck anything up. Anything. He can't cook by himself. I have to watch his every move. It is laughable. Today he fucked a cobbler while I wasn't around. I know you are thinking, "Fucked up a cobbler?" Yes. But never the less it looked like it was fucked. And it was black. The bread and everything. BUT, get this, it wasn't burnt. He is amazing. Knock your socks off bad.
Just think about the first time you saw Rain Man. You know when that waitress drops the toothpicks and you are awed by his counting skills. Well, Kyle inspires that same awe.
Aw, give the guy a break. I mean, he's trying isn't he?
We all have a lil RIS inside of us. Take me for example. I'm a RIS when it comes to being decisive about important things. I just kind of shut down and start mumbling, "I dunno, I guess, whatever."
Yes, he is trying. God, love him.
I make him laugh telling him he is RIS.
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