Sunday, September 23, 2007

Calling all Bloggers...

I am doing a project in my Death and Dying class about death in the media. If you happen to come across any death in music, movies, etc. Send it my way. Right now I'm just collecting. So any genre or topic will help.

Hey. I appreciate you. Don't you forget it.


Drew said...

Do zombie movies count? Because I'm always watching those.

I just watched Hard Candy again the other day, which only has one on screen death.

Are you looking for any kind of death at all?

Oh also that song, "Black Parade" by My Chemcial Romance.

Lauren said...

Maybe zombie movies count, only if you see some social issues that the zombies are having.

I may be leaning towards suicide, but it doesn't necessarily have to be dead bodies. It could be how people are dealing with death, talking about death. This type of thing.


Mark Brown said...

Hi Lauren.

Take a look-see at my blog see link here! about Professor Randy Rausch, of CMU(Carnegie Mellon University) who gave a lecture (2 weeks ago now) saying goodbye to the community and his friends and family because he is dying of cancer (he has perhaps about 6 months left)

It qualifies since he was also on nite-line and abc news.

I'd appreciate it if you'd pass the link to my article on it, because I'm asking folks to watch the FULL (almost) 2 hours and write about three things they learned from it...
Consider it a meme with an assignment, and tag...

Cheers. MarkB

I would venture to say it does count, since it was broadcast over cable, parts have been on regular tv, and is all over You-tube