"If that is the shit they are selling you on Sunday you need to find a new cult."
I work with a lot of kids. By kids, I mean not over 20. I just happen to be sitting down in the break room with this 20 year old girl. We start talking about ACC ,Austin Community College, and how she will be there forever blah, blah, blah. She says that she is majoring in psychology, not because she wants to, just because she just chose something and "everyone else was doing that." So I tell her that I wouldn't mind majoring in Sociology because I really find it interesting. She then proceeds to tell me how much she hates her sociology class because it goes against everything she believes in....What? "Well I believe in the bible and it just goes against everything I believe in." Dumb struck, I ask her, "Okay, well give me a for instance. What exactly goes against the bible." I shit you not she told me that because Sociology is science based, yeah because it is a science where there are facts and you know, oh, what do you call it? Oh yeah proof, ha, how could I forget? And what she believes is all faith based. So she just chooses to not even listen. "I mean it is all based on evolution and it is against everything I believe in so I just don't even want to listen."
Fuck me sideways. I almost choked there were so many words in my throat I was holding back. At that point I wanted to stand up and say well it was nice meeting you. Instead I just thought what a fucking idiot. That really is the problem with christianity. It stifles knowledge. I watched this show about ancient Rome or Greece, I can't remember. The point is that there was this doctor who was so advanced that he was doing things that we do now. 2000 years ago we had the same knowledge and it was illegal for him to cut open humans he was not working with a level playing field and he knew the things we know, NOW. He made his own instruments, guess what they recently found them on some archeological dig, they look the exact same as the ones we make today. He had a knowledge of infections and antibiotics, it was amazing. I am sure you are thinking, well why have we only been using this knowledge for the past hundred years? I will tell you why... christianity. That is why. Christians came along and decided that science works against them, so they stifle it. Just like with stem cell research!
I mean....I can't even come up with the right words to describe how disturbed I am by this. In my sociology class all we talked about was theories of social interaction. Nothing even remotely close to evolution. Nothing even remotely controversial.
Just for a second, I want to get off subject and say it strikes me as funny when people don't believe in evolution. We interact with evolution everyday people! What the fuck? Do you live in a cave? Here is a very simple example of evolution. When you have an infection, you get sick, you go to the doctor. They give you some medicine and tell you to take the whole bottle. Why? Because if you don't the bacteria will EVOLVE and become resistant to the medicine. Wasn't that a simple thought? Every fucking day! Every day people are taking medicine and bacteria are evolving to resist it.
The problem is this girl probably thinks that evolution strictly means that we came from monkeys. Something also tells me that she has never read the bible. I mean I guess it isn't her fault. Schools suck, they don't teach you a damn thing and your lucky if you can read when you graduate.
This kind of shit haunts me.
Well then it's settled, you will major in Sociology. It's what smart cookies do. Also, during my days as a Sociology major, we never really spoke of evolution - maybe Social Darwinism on one or two instances...
This kind of crap haunts me, too.
here's one for you. My friend was talking about how her son wanted to be George W. for Halloween. She was worried that it would be "kinda gay" because of the whole wig. She is very homophobic, the opposite of me. Also very Christian. I said (knowing it would annoy her) "Well he could dress up like Jesus, but oh he would have long hair and that might be misconstrued as being gay...." and she said "Oh no, he can't be Jesus for Halloween, because he would be pretending to be something he's not."
Um. Yeah. Isn't that the point of Halloween??
Definately stifled. Like a mindless sheep. Can't think for herself. I feel so sorry that she can't hear herself!
So was your friend saying her son was the President?
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