Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The world is my oyster

If the world were truly my oyster I would spackle it with fresh horseradish, give it a dollop of cocktails sauce, hose it down with a lemon then send it slithering smooth down my gullet, to the soft tune of an emergency alarm slu-urp.... slu-urp....slu-urp. Resting safely in the pit of my stomach I would vow to not lead a life of quite desperation like the mass of men. I am tired of this wretched job and this schedule. I am stifled. I am suffocating from the mundane. I hate my shit ass job! I have an idea that is going to make me rich and famous. Well, probably not rich and for sure not famous... never the less something that could save my senses, my creativity from withering and dying. I have an idea for an adult swim cartoon. I can't tell you what it is because once it is out there you only have a short time to bring it to fruition before somebody steals the idea from the continuum. It is a very tricking process. Coming up with your idea and then letting people know it is your with out putting it in the continuum. I am not a fast worker when it comes to matters of the mind. I have seen jokes that were just performed in our circle go nation wide again and again. There is only a couple of explanations: 1) that someone is watching us or 2) that once you put it in the continuum people steal it. I mean anything can happen and usually does, but people might feel the need to commit me if I truly thought someone was watching us all the time.

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