Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The examined life

I wonder what it is in me that elicits the exact same behavior from more than one person.  Sometimes it is good, sometimes bad.  As of late the behavior is men telling me they want to travel with me.  Laying in bed and daydreaming about the places we would go seems to be a staple of my nights.  

Man I'm sleeping with: I really want to leave. 
Lauren: What is keeping you here? Everything will still be here when you get back and you can always come back.
Man: [Audible sigh]
Lauren: What is keeping ME here?
Man: [walks up behind me and says in my ear] Maybe you were just waiting for me.  

In bed with someone else watching a surfing documentary:

Lauren: [Some amazing beach with crystal clear water comes on the screen] That is beautiful.  
Other man: [Pulls me close, presses me up against him] I'll take you there, baby.  

As you may or may not be able to tell, my romantic life has picked up.  For this moment, it is quite nice.   I desperately want it to last.  
It won't.  
But for this moment I am enjoying the shit out of it.  


jes said...

But whose the one whose ACTUALLY taking you there?! ME! that's right. I'm the #1 man in your life.
boo ya!! :)

(and I'm not going anywhere.... mwahahaha)

Lauren said...

You are the number one man in my life. You always have been.