Saturday, June 12, 2010

When you're alone

I have had nightmares the past two nights. Really. Really. Bad. Nightmares. Murderous, unnerving things that wake me up for good. There is no closing my eyes afterwards, there is no being in silence cause it plays on repeat until I manage to wake up and play music or look at the internet. I was turned weird on my bed this morning so that when I woke up I was looking at the wall that is normally behind my head. I was uncomfortable and confused. I couldn't figure out where I was exactly. It always helped to touch Grubb, so I knew I wasn't asleep anymore, that nothing was going to hurt me. But I'm all alone.

I only thought I was lonely before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't known you that long but long enough to know that you're a strong person. I know we'll get through this.

-Also, telling you I love you from this distance doesnt have much impact, but you better prepare yourself for the brunt of all my attention.