Monday, June 07, 2010

Oh, yeah I forgot something ....

I'm pretty sure I forget more interesting things than YOU have actually lived through.

Here are two little gems I had forgotten about:

A guy came in to pawn his laptop. We always have to have the password. He tells me that it is crazy. I tell him he can take it off or he can change it, after the second time he said it was crazy. He says it's ok. I get to the point in the computer where I can put in the password and he tells me, "ilovepussy". I smiled. You know I have some will power stored somewhere and sometimes it makes an appearance when need be. You know what I wanted to say. "Me too."


Last week an old black man was hitting on me. I'm pretty sure he was saying some pretty nasty things. But he sounded like the cat from King of the Hill so I had to keep asking him what he was saying. When I was pretty sure it was inappropriate I just let it go. I can't remember any of what he said. Something about riding something, and how I could help him. Yikes. I was also on the other side of the counter trying to fix dvd's and happen to be bent down. It was super uncomfortable. What could I do I just tried to ignore it. His 20 something year old granddaughter told him to stop talking all that stuff and go get the mower they were trying to pawn.

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