Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I had my fortune told to me today

My mom and I went and had our palms read.  I thought it was bullshit.  I still think it is bullshit.  A little.  I was in there and I had my hand on the table and the table vibrated the whole time.  I thought she was doing something.  I went first so  I thought for sure that when I asked my mom if the woman shook the table for her she would say yeah.  She didn't.  I'm not supposed to tell what she told me for 14 days.  I can't remember why.  Doesn't matter.  What matters is that she had my number.  Big time.  She told me some shit that kinda hurt too.  Mostly cause I thought, "Geez I fucking wear that on my sleeve don't I?"   Come 14 days I'll post about what she said.  I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget.  


sans_sanity said...

Don't buy into it! It's bullshit generalities!

Lauren said...

Yes, but she has to have some sort of way to read what generalities work best for you. Don't you think? She reads something clothes, body language, the way you sit, something.

sans_sanity said...

My guess? Your tattoos and biting wit.