Sunday, October 05, 2008

Would You Rather....

I'm not really prepared today. My excitement about getting into UT has been eclipsed by the raging pain in my throat. Feels like nasty old tonsillitis. Let's not forget the mass of homework that is slightly smaller than it was yesterday. Okay, here's one.

Would you rather write a 5 page paper over something that is completely boring and that you have no interest in whatsoever or read 20 pages of something that is not only boring, but has no relevance to anything in your life and never will (performance art)?


Lauren said...

I would rather gouge my eyes out with red hot pokers.

Simple Blog Writer said...

I'd rather write a paper on anything than read 20 pages that bored me.

I'm going through the blogroll on NaBlo to wish everyone good luck with October blogging.

Would you rather blog every day for a month or not? Easy question, but I usually have opposite answers depending on the day of the the end of NaBlo months I sorta hate blogging. Right now, on the 7th, I'm cool with it.

Great blog, here!