Saturday, March 22, 2008

Senility or Bust!

I swear I'm losing my mind. I'm losing words. I've been losing my memory for some time. When I can't remember something I don't have the middle of the night wake-you-up-out-of-your-sleep -realization. Chances are I haven't remembered that I forgot anything. Yeah. I constantly have to write things down or repeat things to myself (the latter is usually ineffective). I'm pretty sure that all of it is due to over stimulation. Then the question is Will there ever be a time in my life when I won't be over stimulated? Probably not if I stay in the U.S.

I had this idea that big business and the government use stress and over stimulation as a tool to keep you malleable and apathetic. It works perfect because your to tired to speak up about things you don't like and you will forget shortly enough anyways. Covert manipulation at its finest.

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