Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sit down, relax, and let me complain a little.

#1: I hate the cold.

#2: I hate diagramming sentences. Though, for all my trouble I didn't do too bad.

#3: I hate homework. It just pisses me off. I spend my whole day at school just to come home to a shit load of school work.

#4: I hate my messy house. It is ridiculous, and bothersome.

#5: I hate cleaning. You see my dilemma?

Okay. Now that that is out of the way let me tell you how much I like school.

#1: Love, love, love my criminology class. The teacher is funny and engaging.

#2: My new Spanish teacher seems like she will be 1,000,000 times better than the last one.

#3: My grammar teacher gives us a lot of homework, but she isn't grading it for correctness.

Okay. I have a lot more complaints.

1 comment:

madge said...

You don't have to do that when you're a librarian. You don't have to do algebra, either. But man oh man, I wish I were better at espanol.