Saturday, February 17, 2007


Titanic really was the worst movie I have ever seen. And I have seen some real shitters! But get this, my brother was telling me that he watched this show on Titanic the real one, on some science channel. James Cameron the director of Titanic got the studio to give him all this money so he could go dive the Titanic. He didn't even want to make a movie he just wanted a ton of money so he could go see the real live wreckage. In the end the studio made him make the movie when, after he dived, tried to back out. He did. It was shit. End of story. Well, not quite. It made tons of money. For everyone involved, I'm sure.

1 comment:

madge said...

Are you ready for the best Titanic movie summarization of all time in about three, four, words?



Thank you, thank you.