Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Am I the only one that works here?

My day at work.

Me: Hi, what would you like me to do today?
Whom ever: Well, go ahead and get with so and so they are doing such and such (cleaning, stocking, unloading a truck, etc.)
Me: Okay

...10 minutes later

Intercom: Lauren to register five for back-up

...1 hour later... I start back working on whatever it was I was supposed to be doing.

...5 minutes later

Intercom: Lauren to register five for back-up

while on register five for back-up

Intercom: Lauren to framing call 27

Lauren doesn't respond and somebody else tells him Lauren is on the register. Apparently the other people in the store can do fifteen things at once. Or maybe they do nothing and Lauren does everything. Grrrrrr. It is incredibly busy cause the holidays. When I get home it feels like I have been beat with a stick. In fact that might even feel better.

1 comment:

madge said...
