Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm back

I feel so much better. I think I just needed a week of sleep.

Last night I had an angry dream. Usually, if I dream about yelling at people it means I'm stressed out. I imagine it means the same thing this time too.

I watched Public Enemies and a couple of episodes of Pushing Daisies. Both of which I could have cried about, but I didn't. Good sign. A little bit closer to normal.

I know in real life I seam like a tough kid, but I have my moments of being a mushy girl. I secretly like how it surprises guys (on more than one occasion).

Survey says: Lauren should see a shrink.
Survey also says: Lauren won't because she is too lazy and this will pass and she will forget about it.

I'm hungry and need some caffeine.

I'm thinking about doing namblopomo cause Corley told me the theme was "tomorrow" and maybe it will be therapeutic.

1 comment:

jes said...

"Survey also says: Lauren won't because she is too lazy and this will pass and she will forget about it."

I was NOT a part of this survey! :) I'm emailing you that cheap therapy place, right now... I need to call them myself. Maybe we can un-lazy ourselves and go together?