Thursday, February 05, 2009

Randomness from my day

The word "data" makes my skin crawl.  The fact that it is plural just grosses me out.  To hear someone say "the data are" disgusts me.  For whatever reason it sounds like nails on a chalk board to me.  

I'm wearing a white shirt today.  On the way to my car I got hosed down in front of the UT hotel by some guy testing the sprinklers without so much as a sorry.  My shirt was wet, my backpack was wet, my hair, face - both wet, water in my ear.  What the fuck, buddy? 

The School of Information has a picture on the website that makes me want to vomit.  Here it is.  It makes me think that we will all be performing an interpretive dance upon completion of the program.  Those two are illustrating what just such an interpretive dance might look like.  Or, as someone in class said today, just "straddling a computer". 

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