Wednesday, February 28, 2007

In the past couple of months I have watched two different movies that were basically the same. It was totally random. The first was Birth. It was incredibly bizarre and I thought about writing about it on the old blog afterwards. I never got around to it. Then a couple weeks ago I was watching one movie that ended and I didn't change the channel. The next movie on was called P.S. I info-ed it and saw that it had Laura Linney in it. Good, I really like Laura Linney. It was oddly similar to Birth.

Here is the plot. Boy meets girl. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy dies. Boy comes back as someone else, or at least girl thinks so. Girl has sex with new, much younger boy. Everything is weird all around. The relationship is very inappropriate.

Is this topic that popular? The movies were made about the same time. I find this incredibly weird.


madge said...

I have seen the film P.S.! I have! It was so lame! I don't think I could finish watching it. I love Laura Linney too, but if I heard her say "F. Scott" one more time I was going to run my hand through the TV set. Seriously.

Lauren said...

The "F. Scott" thing was pretty irritating.