Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I broke down and went to work the second time they called me to come in on Sunday. I know. I know. I worked from 7pm to 2 am putting out Christmas freight. The good thing was no old people to harass me and no christmas music. I wasn't scheduled on Monday but you know I worked. Today I worked a full 8 hours. I am tired. But today I did get offered a promotion. I will be the Price Integrity Coordinator. Doesn't that sound really fancy? Well let me explain what that means. I put the correct price sticker on the correct product. There has never been a fancier name for someone who puts stickers on things. I will be getting paid more all though they haven't told me how much more. This is the fastest I have ever got a promotion. At this rate I will own that bitch in another 2 months.


The Q said...

I can already see you, having made it into the upper management, on a store visit, when a kid working there says, "You don't even know what it's like to work in the stores! You spend your day at a desk!"

Lauren replies, "Kid, I had to work until 2am to build this ladder out of popsicle sticks and hot glue before I could climb it, and NOWI had to etch (sp?) the glass ceiling I've come up against.

madge said...


Wait! They gave you a promotion. It sounds fabulous.